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书号: 9780375853357
作者: Margaret Wise Brown
出版社: N4注音绘本
出版时间: 2009-02-24
适合阅读年龄: 2-4岁 4-7岁


Once there were two color kittens with green eyes, Brush and Hush. . . .So begins the whimsical tale of two pouncy kittens who, with their countless cans of paint, make all the colors in the world. First published 60 years ago, this classic Little Golden Book is now available in the durable Little Golden Treasures format.


When Margaret Wise Brown began to write for young children, most picture books were written by illustrators, whose training and talents lay mainly in the visual arts. Brown, the author of Goodnight Moon, was the first picture-book author to achieve recognition as a writer, and the first, according to historian Barbara Bader, "to make the writing of picture books an art." After graduating college in 1932, Brown's first ambition was to write literature for adults; but when she entered a program for student teachers in New York, she was thrilled by the experience of working with young children, and inspired by the program's progressive leader, the education reformer Lucy Sprague Mitchell. Mitchell held that stories for very young children should be grounded in "the here and now" rather than nonsense or fantasy. For children aged two to five, she thought, real experience was magical enough without embellishments. Few children's authors had attempted to write specifically for so young an audience, but Brown quickly proved herself gifted at the task. She was appointed editor of a new publishing firm devoted to children's books, where she cultivated promising new writers and illustrators, helped develop innovations like the board book, and became, as her biographer Leonard S. Marcus notes, "one of the central figures of a period now considered the golden age of the American picture book."


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